Business models and making decisions about which technology systems to use


One aspect of the decision-making process when choosing a system that can get ignored is to properly understand the business model of the supplier.

Let's look at one example: choosing an office suite for an organisation. This often is seen as a binary choice between the main brands: Microsoft (365) and Google (Workspaces). I'll include Apple as well for contrast. I'm not including the main open source alternative, Nextcloud, as I don't know enough about their business model, but hope to find out more about it soon.

The point is not to simply say one brand is better, but to encourage intentional thinking about what is the most appropriate choice given the particular context of an organisation and its stage of development.

Here is a very quick summary of the business models, customers and trajectory of each brand.




How does this all relate to the choice of an office suite?

The key is to relate the business model of each brand to your organisation's own needs.

For example, looking at current business models:

In terms of their different trajectories as brands:

So in terms of making a decision on which office suite to use, it may be useful to think about where your organisation and its staff sits in relationships to the generational shifts outlined above:

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