Careful Digital are currently partners on a major European Union Erasmus Plus funded environmental education project: Natural Entrepreneurs. We have also developed the website for another EU Erasmus Plus project, Biolearn, and recently completed the Change the Story project, another Erasmus Plus project we were partners on. We have added a Kirby content management system to Giles's Turnbull's personal website. We are working with a major environmental education charity to develop their reporting infrastructure, helping a national health research charity with their organisation-wide digital transformation strategy, and have developed a website with the Shropshire Botanical Society to allow access to their biodiversity data.
Natural Entrepreneurs

Careful Digital is a partner on this major EU-funded project. Natural Entrepreneurs is aimed at students across Europe, in the age range of 14 to 18 years. It is designed to introduce them to biomimicry – the identification of solutions found in nature and their application to human design. The project takes students through the biomimicry design process towards the development of sustainable design solutions, and actively encourages students to collaborate. One of the project outputs Careful Digital is responsible for is the Collaboration Platform; a website allowing students to work through the biomimicry design process in teams, accrue appreciation points, contribute to The Commons (a resource centre) and comment on other Teams’ ideas.

You can see the Natural Entrepreneurs website at
Online Guide to Intentional Technology
Most of us now live in deep inter-dependence with digital technology. How do we develop an eco-system of digital helpers that works in relationship with our physical minds and bodies, and allow us to get things done while staying connected to the world around us? We are developing an online guide that guides individuals through these questions and helps find the best answers for them.
Shropshire Botanical Society
Careful Digital was delighted to deliver a website for the Shropshire Botanical Society to allow access to the Society's botanical records.

You can see the Shropshire Botanical Society botanical records website at .
Change the Story

Careful Digital is a partner on this major EU-funded project which brings together pupils in schools across Europe to create digital stories about climate change. One of the outputs of the project Careful Digital are responsible for is the development of a website to celebrate those stories. It allow visitors to search through and view the stories created, and hopefully be inspired to create their own stories.
We worked with Martin Wright on the design of the site.

We also created and hosted a Moodle learning environment for teachers for the schools involved in the trial.
You can see the Change the Story Celebration website at
Nature Writing Workshops
Little Bird Said offers learners the opportunity to meet in urban community settings to engage with nature and develop more confidence as speakers, listeners, and writers. Through the use of venue gardens, photography, discussion and short writing tasks, it encourages participants to identify species and combine botanical knowledge with literary techniques to produce short, compelling pieces of writing.
Nature Memory
We are starting to research and prototype a project called Nature Memory. Nature Memory will provide a way to build meaningful community links for schools, develop learning between the generations and make memories to share.

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