Intentional Technology

Most of us now live in deep inter-dependence with digital technology. How do we develop an eco-system of digital helpers that works in relationship with our physical minds and bodies, and allow us to get things done while being deeply connected to the world around us?

We are developing a course that guides individuals through these questions and helps find the best answers for them, drawing on long-standing experience of digital technology with also drawing on the latest research in psychology, neuroscience and meditation.

What is the guide about and how will it work?

APPROACH This is a course about using technology generally, rather than an introduction to using specific tools. We'll look at practical examples of how particular tools can help, but you'll be encouraged to actively choose the tools that suit your particular context.
INDEPENDENCE This means you will need to do some independent thinking and research: exploring what tools and processes might benefit you and working out how to use them in practice. We'll be encouraging you to take the simplest possible steps forward at each stage.
SHARING You will also be encouraged to share your explorations with your fellow course participants. The course is intended very much as a collective experience.
CONNECTION The intention of the course is to make you more effective and productive, but hopefully it will also make you feel calmer, clearer, more alive, more vividly aware and more connected to what is happening around you.

Who is the audience for the guide?

The course is intended for individuals:

What will the guide cover?

We are still planning the exact details but broadly the structure will be as follows:

Practical focus What you will learn
Refining how you check your emails How to build a simple eco-system of tools: a Task List, Calendar and Note Book
Practical focus What you will learn
Refining the way you use your time each day Looking at some fundamental skills that help build focus
Creating some helpful rituals arounds the tools you use
Noticing where your eco-system of tools needs refininement
Practical focus What you will learn
Refining how you do research and bring your ideas to life How to use a Note Book to capture ideas
How to bring those ideas back into your day-to-day life
How to creatively develop your own eco-system of tools

Find out more

The course is currently under development. The first version of the guide will be available without charge for anyone who is willing to provide feedback.

You can take a look at an early version of the guide.

If you are interested in finding out more, please subscribe to the Intentional Technology newsletter.

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... will help you use technology with focus and enjoyment.
